Monday, March 28, 2011

Sad Day

I had My 12 week appointment today. My Dr. did an ultrasound and we found out that one of the babies did not make it. Its really common and a lot of women go through it and not know it. What had happened is called Vanishing Twin (VTS). All that was left was a small sac with a small dot in it. The Dr. thinks the baby stopped growing shortly after my last appointment. 

I'm seriously an emotional mess. On one hand I'm happy because I have a healthy baby but on the other hand I'm upset because I lost an unborn child. 

I know that everything happens for a reason. I may never know why this happened. 

I was going to start a whole new blog for this pregnancy but at the end of the day I was carrying twins and when I have this child he will be a twinless twin. What I am going through is a real thing, a lot of women experience this and go on to have a healthy baby. I just need to stay positive.

I have an amazing husband and I'm thankful for him and everything that he does. I have 4 wonderful little girls. I have the best family and in-laws a person can ask for. My friends are amazing as well. I love them all and I'm thankful for the support system that my husband and I have. With them I can be strong and over come the pain that I'm experiencing right now. 

So if you are the people listed above....Thank you for being there. Thank you for caring. 

My growing healthy Baby!


  1. I had no idea.
    My heart is aching for you. I will keep you and your beautiful family in my thoughts and prayers.
    If you need anything, Im here.

    Nik <3

  2. Thank you. I wasn't ready to post last week when I found out. I think that I just needed time to realize that it was true.
