Wednesday, March 23, 2011

11 Weeks

So I'm 11 weeks today. I spend half of last week with the stomach flu, along with everyone in the house. It was not fun to say the least. Its a brand new week and I'm feeling great. I have had very little morning sickness. However, I'm still super tired.

Ian ordered me a fetal heart doppler, so I can listen to the twins. It works and I can hear their heart beats but there is a lot of static when I record them. I made a video that I'm going to post below with the heart beats. You have to listen really close to hear them. Baby A's heart rate is any where from 124 to 140 bpm and Baby B's heart rate is anywhere from 136 to 150 bpm. Or at least I think they are. I'm having a hard time picking up the rates at times.

Their blankets are coming along. I ran out of yarn the other day and had to pick up some yesterday. So I'll be back to work on them later today.


I'm doing the happy dance because I'm 11 weeks. I have 13 more days in the 1st trimester. Then it is off to the 2nd. I also have 5 days until my next appointment. I'll get my orders for my ultrasound then. So in the next 2 1/2 weeks I'll be seeing the little ones again. Then there are 5 more weeks until I have a private ultrasound to find out the genders of the babies. :) Time is flying by but it is still going so slow. Does that make sense? Here is my 11 week bump picture.......


Ian and I went to Babies R us the other day and found these for the babies and I had to have them.......


I think that is it for today. Until next time. :)

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