Saturday, October 29, 2011

Almost 3 weeks old

Miss. Victoria will be 3 weeks on the 31th. She is amazing. The girls are doing well with her. I love being her mom. She had a check up last monday and she hadn't gained any weight but she hadn't lost any. So they asked me to pump and and supplement with formula to try to get her weight up. So I'm doing half and half. She wakes up once through the night. which has been a blessing. I still find it crazy that I'm a mom to five.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Birth Story Of Victoria Addison

I got to the hospital at 6am on October 10th, 2011. At 7am, I was in my gown and getting my IV. At 720am I was getting the pitocin started and being checked. I was at 5cm at that time. I had done half the work on my own before I got there. I was at low dose of pitocin because I was having contractions all ready. At 10am I got my epidural. At 1245 he was checking me and I was 6cm and while he was checking me my water broke and flooded the bed and the doctor. lol. Exactly one hour later, I was having a lot of pressure and ready to push. She was back to back and after I got her head out it was smooth sailing. 4 pushes total and she was born. Followed by another huge gush of water that soaked the doctor yet again and got all over his brand new shoes. lol. Victoria is my biggest baby. Not by much but her head was the size of an 8lb baby. She weighed 6 lbs 11.4oz and was 19.5 inches long. We came home on the 11th at 10pm and she had her check up yesterday morning and passed with flying colors. We are so happy with her. There is my warning call, time to feed a baby. Enjoy the pics and thank you all for everything.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

3 hours and 15 minutes until go time.....

Here I sit, I should be resting/sleeping but I can't. I'm wide awake. At 1st I thought it was nerves but now I just want to enjoy the last moments of pregnancy. Tori will be our last child. I want to remember her kicks, the contractions, the moment. I spent so much time dwelling on the loss of her twin that I let my pregnancy slip through my fingers. Here it is October 10th, in less than 24 hours I'll be holding, feeding, changing diapers, and loving a newborn.

I spent the night hanging with my girls. I read them a bedtime story and then the older two decided that they wanted to do spa time with mommy. I got my feet/back/belly rubbed and a face mask too. We cuddled and then I sent them to bed. Ian took advantages of our last night before baby, on the computer. 

My next post will come after the 3 of us get home from the hospital. I'm getting very excited. I can't wait to meet her.

Friday, October 7, 2011

The count down is almost over......

I'm beyond annoyed with everything right now.  I'm sick of being asked if I had the baby yet. Answer is NO!!!! I have family back home that won't be here, so Pics will be posted shortly after birth. People on fb should know that it will be announce when she is here by both Ian and I. I'm too the point where I don't want to get on the computer because of everyone asking. I have shut my phone off for the same reason. I just don't want to deal with it.

With that said. I'm 3cm dilated. As of Thursday she wasn't engaged but she was still head down. If my water breaks I have to get to the ER ASAP because they are worried that her cord will come out first. I'm still contracting but I'm dealing with it. They are not normal now. It is also a good thing that I'm still pregnant because I'm getting over a chest cold.

So when will Ms. Victoria be here......October 10, 2011. I have to be at the hospital at 6am Monday morning. I'm hoping to go on my own but it is not looking like it will happen. regardless she will be here soon. I can't wait to hold her. I can't wait to see her. I can't wait to kiss her forehead. I can't wait to tell her I love her and I can't wait to hear her cry.

This has been a long road for me. A lot of ups and downs. At the end of this pregnancy it will be worth it. Yes, there should have been two. Things happen for reasons that I'll never know. Alexis' friend lost twins siblings and she says that they are swinging in the sky and jumping in to the clouds. Hearing that tonight made me smile. That is what I'm going to think too about Tori's twin "aiden". I need peace and that is it. I have to and I will focus on Tori.

Now in 3 days I will be welcoming my 5th and last child into the world and I can't wait.