Monday, March 28, 2011

Sad Day

I had My 12 week appointment today. My Dr. did an ultrasound and we found out that one of the babies did not make it. Its really common and a lot of women go through it and not know it. What had happened is called Vanishing Twin (VTS). All that was left was a small sac with a small dot in it. The Dr. thinks the baby stopped growing shortly after my last appointment. 

I'm seriously an emotional mess. On one hand I'm happy because I have a healthy baby but on the other hand I'm upset because I lost an unborn child. 

I know that everything happens for a reason. I may never know why this happened. 

I was going to start a whole new blog for this pregnancy but at the end of the day I was carrying twins and when I have this child he will be a twinless twin. What I am going through is a real thing, a lot of women experience this and go on to have a healthy baby. I just need to stay positive.

I have an amazing husband and I'm thankful for him and everything that he does. I have 4 wonderful little girls. I have the best family and in-laws a person can ask for. My friends are amazing as well. I love them all and I'm thankful for the support system that my husband and I have. With them I can be strong and over come the pain that I'm experiencing right now. 

So if you are the people listed above....Thank you for being there. Thank you for caring. 

My growing healthy Baby!

Friday, March 25, 2011


So it is official, I have lost my mind. If you find it please return it to me. Thank you. :) I should not be allowed on google or anything on the internet. I found a gender prediction thing that I have never heard of before. You take 2 Tablespoons of baking soda and then pee on it. If it fizzes or bubbles you are having a boy and if it does nothing you are having a girl. What did I do 2 minutes after reading that.....You got it, I peed on baking soda. Outcome it bubbled. I guess that at least one of the babies is a boy. I have issues tonight.

Besides who comes up with lets pee on baking soda to figure out if we are having a boy or girl.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

11 Weeks

So I'm 11 weeks today. I spend half of last week with the stomach flu, along with everyone in the house. It was not fun to say the least. Its a brand new week and I'm feeling great. I have had very little morning sickness. However, I'm still super tired.

Ian ordered me a fetal heart doppler, so I can listen to the twins. It works and I can hear their heart beats but there is a lot of static when I record them. I made a video that I'm going to post below with the heart beats. You have to listen really close to hear them. Baby A's heart rate is any where from 124 to 140 bpm and Baby B's heart rate is anywhere from 136 to 150 bpm. Or at least I think they are. I'm having a hard time picking up the rates at times.

Their blankets are coming along. I ran out of yarn the other day and had to pick up some yesterday. So I'll be back to work on them later today.


I'm doing the happy dance because I'm 11 weeks. I have 13 more days in the 1st trimester. Then it is off to the 2nd. I also have 5 days until my next appointment. I'll get my orders for my ultrasound then. So in the next 2 1/2 weeks I'll be seeing the little ones again. Then there are 5 more weeks until I have a private ultrasound to find out the genders of the babies. :) Time is flying by but it is still going so slow. Does that make sense? Here is my 11 week bump picture.......


Ian and I went to Babies R us the other day and found these for the babies and I had to have them.......


I think that is it for today. Until next time. :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I had to call my OB doctor yesterday to ask for something for my nausea. The morning sickness, is horrible. I can honestly say that I have never felt this way with any of the other pregnancies.

The new pregnancy thing this week is.......Round ligament pain. I have dealt with it before but never this early. I actually asked Ian, "why does having twins hurt so bad."  lol. I knew why but I just wanted to complain for a little bit.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Double digit weeks

 Today I am 10 weeks pregnant. 2 more weeks of this trimester. I'm starting to get very excited about this pregnancy. However, there is nothing super exciting going on right now.

I start prenatal Yoga today. I'm super happy that I have a Brother in law that is an yoga instructor. I found it very relaxing and right now I need to relax.

Last week I started crocheting the twins baby blankets. I'm switching back and forth between the two blankets. I have to make sure that I have the same amount done on each blanket every day.

Baby A's blanket is the white one and Baby B's is the green one.

Also here is my 10 week belly picture.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Gender Prediction

From the moment most women find out their expecting until they find out the gender, they find fun gender prediction quizzes, test, charts, and old wise tales to do to try to guess the gender of their baby.

With twins it isn't that easy. However for me they have only been right a half of the time with my last four pregnancies. I find myself still looking at gender predictions sites this time around even though, they can not predict for twins. So, with this blog post I going to see what ones were right or wrong for all my pregnancies. I'm also going to do them for this pregnancy just for fun.

1. Chinese Gender Prediction chart.

This time=girl

2. Ring test
Hang your wedding ring (or a ring you wear a lot) on a hair or length of cotton, and get your Baby's Daddy to hang it over your bump. If it moves in circles it’s a girl, back and fourth and it’s a boy. 

#1 N/A
#2 N/A
#3 girl
#4 boy
#5 girl

3. Gender Predictor Formula

#1 girl
#2 girl
#3 girl
#4 girl
#5 boy

4. Weight gain
Not yours surprisingly!! The belief is that, if your baby's Daddy puts on weight during your pregnancy, then you will be having a girl. If he doesn't put on a pound, then you're carrying a boy. (I actually heard that if he gains then it is a boy)

#1 he didn't so boy
#2 he didn't so boy
#3 he didn't so boy
#4 he did so girl

5. Needle over the wrist
The same as the ring over the belly just with a needle instead.

#1 girl
#2 girl
#3 girl
#4 boy

6. Heart Rate
If you're having a girl, then the fetal heart rate will be above 140. A boy will have a heart rate below 140.

#1 n/a
#2 was over a 155= girl
#3 was over a 155= girl
#4 was around 136= boy
Twins heart rate at the one appointment was 108/118 so since they were at the low end of normal I'm saying boy

7. Carry high or low
If you are carrying high then you having a girl, if you are carrying low then you are having a boy.

#1 high- girl
#2 high- girl
#3 low- boy
#4 Low= boy

8. The Ramzi method

#1 boy
#2 girl
#3 boy
#4 girl
twins individual ultrasound pictures two boys or two girls
together ultrasound picture one of each.

9. Hairline gender prediction

#1 point
#2 straight
#3 point
#4 straight

With this #2 should have been boy
#3 girl
#4 boy
Twins girl


#1 was 4 out of 6
#2 was 6 out of 8
#3 was 5 out of 9
#4 was 3 out of 9
Twins were 3 for girl and 3 for boy.

Its just like flipping a coin you have a 50/50 chance of any of these being right.

With that said, I predict for myself that the twins are going to be boy/girl twins. :)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Oh my... Were pregnant again... Oh my it's twins!

So on February 7th at 1 am I took a pregnancy test because I was over a week late. To my surprise it came back positive. So that became our 5th pregnancy.

I was cramping from that point on. I finally called my OB doctor the morning of the 22nd. He had me go for an ultrasound. I was actually really nervous. When I went the lady started with an external ultrasound. When she put it on she seen a sac with a yolk but could not see an baby. I started shaking, I thought something was going wrong. Then she did the internal ultrasound. She found the baby with a heartbeat. It was a sigh of relief. She said that she was going to check my ovaries to see if I had a cyst on it. On her way to my ovaries, my husband said what was that, just want to make sure that it isn't twins. So I was looking at him not the screen. Then the lady goes, Oh my goodness, you are having twins. I asked if she was joking. Oh course she wasn't joking. There they were both with heart beats and both babies where measuring 4 days small. However, their heartbeats were both on the low sound of normal.

On 2-28-11 I had my 8 week appointment. The doctor did an ultrasound and both babies heart rates were normal and Baby A was measuring a day ahead and Baby B was measuring a day behind. Another sigh of relief. From my ultrasound you can tell that Baby B's sac is on the smaller side. When Baby B was looked at by itself, the sac was just a little bit smaller than Baby A's. The doctor said that I had nothing to worry about.

My next appointment is March 28th. That will be my 12 weeks appointment.


Just a little insight to our family....

  • August 2003, Daughter #1 was born.
  • May 2004, Ian and I married.
  • June 2005, Daughter #2 was born.
  • August 2006, Daughter #3 was born. 
  • March 2010, Daughter #4 was born.
  • May 2010 we bought our 1st house. 
  • February 2011 we found that we were expecting twins. 

My husband is a full time working dad, and that allows me to be a stay at home mom. Our two older girls are in school and loving it. While the younger two are home with me. When we bought our house, I asked my Mother-in-law to move in with us. She is a big help with my girls, since my husband works different hours each week. 

The week before we found out that we were expecting, I decided that I was going to get my tubes tied. Life threw us a curve ball and now we are having the twins. It is exciting and scary all at the same time. I'm excited to get to meet the two little people growing in my belly and I feel very blessed to be given the chance to have twins. But I'm scared of how many things can go wrong. With that said...Welcome to our journey to meeting our twins.