Wednesday, July 27, 2011

29 weeks

Happy 29 weeks to me. We are almost there. Had my appointment on Monday, it went ok. I'm measuring big, well 5 weeks bigger to be exact. He ordered another ultrasound and that is on the 1st. I can't wait to see my little girl again. This will be the last ultrasound that I will ever have for pregnancy. I can't wait. We had our pregnancy photo shoot last night and I'm loving the proofs that my friend Jessica is sending me. I'll share what I have so far.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hello 3rd Trimester.

Finally my real update.

In 3 hours I will be 28 weeks and officially in my 3rd trimester and for the final time. Honestly this pregnancy has flown by as much as I didn't want it to. I have already hit the point where I am at the same size I was with the end of each pregnancy. I love how they say that you get bigger every time. For me I have got to this size and popped out a baby. Never any bigger or any smaller. Always this size. So here I am at 28 weeks and I look like I normally would at 38-40 weeks. My belly is growing so much that I feel it stretching and let me tell you it hurts. I honestly can see why my husband, my oldest daughter, my 3 best friends, and half my family still think I'm having twins. Please don't take that as I feel the same way. I just see why they feel that way. I'm freaking huge. I can hardly walk it hurts so bad. I have no idea how I'm going to make it another 12 weeks.

Today I started having contractions off and on all day. If it continues my MIL is on standby to drive me to the hospital. Ian is freaking out because he starts his midnight to 8 am shift tonight. On top of that I had the urge to get what baby stuff I have sorted and ready for the nursery. Nesting????????? The nice thing about that was I was able to sit while doing it. I just want to make it 8 more weeks. That is it. Well that is it for now. I'm calling it a night.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

26 weeks

I see the end of this pregnancy in the near future. lol. I can't believe that I'll be in the 3rd trimester soon. Tori has finally started kicking. Its non stop now. I don't think she ever sleeps. The crib came today and I finished so of Tori's diapers. I'm getting super excited. I can't wait to bring my baby girl home from the hospital.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

25 weeks.

Its been awhile. Mainly because I have been busy and partly because I have been in a funk. I'll actually be 26 weeks in 3 days. It is really hard to believe. Appointments have been okay. I'm getting huge. I'm still measuring big but the doctor thinks that is ok. Tori has been moving a lot today. She was kicking my ribs. It was annoying after awhile but I didn't complain. I really enjoyed her moving. We ordered her crib last week and I can't wait for it to get here. Actually I can't wait to do the nursery. We are using cloth diapers for Kinleigh now. I actually decided to make them myself and they are turning out really nice. So I started making Tori's too. She has 3 different sizes and total with Kinleighs there is going to be 64 diapers all made by me. I also have 2 gdiapers and 1 goodmama. I actually really like the whole cloth diaper thing. I also like the idea of the girls having really cute diapers. I'll post pics when they are all done. I'll also post pics of the nursery when it is done. I think that is it for now.